196 research outputs found

    Affine Determinant Programs: A Framework for Obfuscation and Witness Encryption

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    An affine determinant program ADP: {0,1}^n → {0,1} is specified by a tuple (A,B_1,...,B_n) of square matrices over F_q and a function Eval: F_q → {0,1}, and evaluated on x \in {0,1}^n by computing Eval(det(A + sum_{i \in [n]} x_i B_i)). In this work, we suggest ADPs as a new framework for building general-purpose obfuscation and witness encryption. We provide evidence to suggest that constructions following our ADP-based framework may one day yield secure, practically feasible obfuscation. As a proof-of-concept, we give a candidate ADP-based construction of indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) for all circuits along with a simple witness encryption candidate. We provide cryptanalysis demonstrating that our schemes resist several potential attacks, and leave further cryptanalysis to future work. Lastly, we explore practically feasible applications of our witness encryption candidate, such as public-key encryption with near-optimal key generation

    A one-query lower bound for unitary synthesis and breaking quantum cryptography

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    The Unitary Synthesis Problem (Aaronson-Kuperberg 2007) asks whether any nn-qubit unitary UU can be implemented by an efficient quantum algorithm AA augmented with an oracle that computes an arbitrary Boolean function ff. In other words, can the task of implementing any unitary be efficiently reduced to the task of implementing any Boolean function? In this work, we prove a one-query lower bound for unitary synthesis. We show that there exist unitaries UU such that no quantum polynomial-time oracle algorithm AfA^f can implement UU, even approximately, if it only makes one (quantum) query to ff. Our approach also has implications for quantum cryptography: we prove (relative to a random oracle) the existence of quantum cryptographic primitives that remain secure against all one-query adversaries AfA^{f}. Since such one-query algorithms can decide any language, solve any classical search problem, and even prepare any quantum state, our result suggests that implementing random unitaries and breaking quantum cryptography may be harder than all of these tasks. To prove this result, we formulate unitary synthesis as an efficient challenger-adversary game, which enables proving lower bounds by analyzing the maximum success probability of an adversary AfA^f. Our main technical insight is to identify a natural spectral relaxation of the one-query optimization problem, which we bound using tools from random matrix theory. We view our framework as a potential avenue to rule out polynomial-query unitary synthesis, and we state conjectures in this direction

    Playing Dominoes Is Hard, Except by Yourself

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    Dominoes is a popular and well-known game possibly dating back three millennia. Players are given a set of domino tiles, each with two labeled square faces, and take turns connecting them into a growing chain of dominoes by matching identical faces. We show that single-player dominoes is in P, while multiplayer dominoes is hard: when players cooperate, the game is NP-complete, and when players compete, the game is PSPACE-complete. In addition, we show that these hardness results easily extend to games involving team play

    Commitments to Quantum States

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    What does it mean to commit to a quantum state? In this work, we propose a simple answer: a commitment to quantum messages is binding if, after the commit phase, the committed state is hidden from the sender's view. We accompany this new definition with several instantiations. We build the first non-interactive succinct quantum state commitments, which can be seen as an analogue of collision-resistant hashing for quantum messages. We also show that hiding quantum state commitments (QSCs) are implied by any commitment scheme for classical messages. All of our constructions can be based on quantum-cryptographic assumptions that are implied by but are potentially weaker than one-way functions. Commitments to quantum states open the door to many new cryptographic possibilities. Our flagship application of a succinct QSC is a quantum-communication version of Kilian's succinct arguments for any language that has quantum PCPs with constant error and polylogarithmic locality. Plugging in the PCP theorem, this yields succinct arguments for NP under significantly weaker assumptions than required classically; moreover, if the quantum PCP conjecture holds, this extends to QMA. At the heart of our security proof is a new rewinding technique for extracting quantum information

    Encryptor Combiners: A Unified Approach to Multiparty NIKE, (H)IBE, and Broadcast Encryption

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    We define the concept of an encryptor combiner. Roughly, such a combiner takes as input n public keys for a public key encryption scheme, and produces a new combined public key. Anyone knowing a secret key for one of the input public keys can learn the secret key for the combined public key, but an outsider who just knows the input public keys (who can therefore compute the combined public key for himself) cannot decrypt ciphertexts from the combined public key. We actually think of public keys more generally as encryption procedures, which can correspond to, say, encrypting to a particular identity under an IBE scheme or encrypting to a set of attributes under an ABE scheme. We show that encryptor combiners satisfying certain natural properties can give natural constructions of multi-party non-interactive key exchange, low-overhead broadcast encryption, and hierarchical identity-based encryption. We then show how to construct two different encryptor combiners. Our first is built from universal samplers (which can in turn be built from indistinguishability obfuscation) and is sufficient for each application above, in some cases improving on existing obfuscation-based constructions. Our second is built from lattices, and is sufficient for hierarchical identity-based encryption. Thus, encryptor combiners serve as a new abstraction that (1) is a useful tool for designing cryptosystems, (2) unifies constructing hierarchical IBE from vastly different assumptions, and (3) provides a target for instantiating obfuscation applications from better tools

    The Fewest Clues Problem

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    When analyzing the computational complexity of well-known puzzles, most papers consider the algorithmic challenge of solving a given instance of (a generalized form of) the puzzle. We take a different approach by analyzing the computational complexity of designing a "good" puzzle. We assume a puzzle maker designs part of an instance, but before publishing it, wants to ensure that the puzzle has a unique solution. Given a puzzle, we introduce the FCP (fewest clues problem) version of the problem: Given an instance to a puzzle, what is the minimum number of clues we must add in order to make the instance uniquely solvable? We analyze this question for the Nikoli puzzles Sudoku, Shakashaka, and Akari. Solving these puzzles is NP-complete, and we show their FCP versions are Sigma_2^P-complete. Along the way, we show that the FCP versions of 3SAT, 1-in-3SAT, Triangle Partition, Planar 3SAT, and Latin Square are all Sigma_2^P-complete. We show that even problems in P have difficult FCP versions, sometimes even Sigma_2^P-complete, though "closed under cluing" problems are in the (presumably) smaller class NP; for example, FCP 2SAT is NP-complete

    A one-query lower bound for unitary synthesis and breaking quantum cryptography

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    The Unitary Synthesis Problem (Aaronson-Kuperberg 2007) asks whether any nn-qubit unitary UU can be implemented by an efficient quantum algorithm AA augmented with an oracle that computes an arbitrary Boolean function ff. In other words, can the task of implementing any unitary be efficiently reduced to the task of implementing any Boolean function? In this work, we prove a one-query lower bound for unitary synthesis. We show that there exist unitaries UU such that no quantum polynomial-time oracle algorithm AfA^f can implement UU, even approximately, if it only makes one (quantum) query to ff. Our approach also has implications for quantum cryptography: we prove (relative to a random oracle) the existence of quantum cryptographic primitives that remain secure against all one-query adversaries AfA^{f}. Since such one-query algorithms can decide any language, solve any classical search problem, and even prepare any quantum state, our result suggests that implementing random unitaries and breaking quantum cryptography may be harder than all of these tasks. To prove this result, we formulate unitary synthesis as an efficient challenger-adversary game, which enables proving lower bounds by analyzing the maximum success probability of an adversary AfA^f. Our main technical insight is to identify a natural spectral relaxation of the one-query optimization problem, which we bound using tools from random matrix theory. We view our framework as a potential avenue to rule out polynomial-query unitary synthesis, and we state conjectures in this direction
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